Hands-on math!

Converting between fractions, decimals and percents

Convert: . . . to a fraction . . . to a decimal . . . to a percent
From a fraction: Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator
Example 3/4: divide 3 by 4 to get .75
Convert to a decimal, then multiply by 100
Example: 3/4 is the decimal .75
.75 X 100 = 75%
From a decimal:
Decimal has 1 number past the decimal: Multiply by 10 to get the numerator and make the denominator 10
Example: .7 X 10 = 7
Fraction is 7/10
Decimal has 2 numbers past the decimal: Multiply by 100 to get the numerator and make the denominator 100
Example: .72 X 100
Fraction is 72/100
Decimal has 3 numbers past the decimal: Multiply by 1000 to get the numerator and make the denominator 1000
Example: .725 X 1000 = 725
Fraction is 725/1000
  Multiply the decimal by 100
.38 X 100 = 38%
From a percent: Make a fraction by making the percent the numerator
with a denominator of 100
Example: 38% = 38/100
Divide the percent by 100
Example: 38%:
divide 38 by 100 to get .38