Math Concepts Review
Types of triangles:

Angle rules:
All the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees.
If a line MEETS another line, the two angles it makes add up to 180 degrees.
If two lines cross, the angles ACROSS from each other are the same.

Negative numbers:
Adding and subtractingMultiplying and dividing
Add: move RIGHT along the number line.
Subtract: move LEFT
-2  -1   0   1   2   3   4
     ADD ===========>
If the numbers you are multiplying or dividing have the SAME sign, then the result is POSITIVE(+).
If they have different signs, then the result is NEGATIVE (-)
Example 1:    -3 x -3 = +9 (same signs)
Example 2:    -3 x +3 = -9 (different signs)

Evaluate expressions:
Multiply: A letter and a number together means multiply:
3X = 3 times X
Divide: These mean divide:
  a b = a b / c
Parentheses: Things inside parentheses are done first:
3 x (5 - 2) = 3 x 3 = 9
The circle:

    D = 2R
    C = D
    A = R2