Math Concepts Review - Page 2

Translating words to expressions:
Word Phrase Expression Comment
three times a number 3 x A number next to a variable means multiply
half of a number x / 2 or
½ x
"half of", "third of", "one fifth of" all mean multiply by fractions
one minus 3 times a number 1 - 3 x
one less than 3 times a number 3 x - 1 Tricky! "less than" means subtract from what follows the "less than"
a number increased by 5 x + 5 The word "increase" means add
a number decreased by 8 x - 8 The word "decrease" means subtract
8 more than 5 times a number 5 x + 8 "more than" means add
6 less than 3 times a number 3 x - 6 "less than" means subtract from what follows the "less than"

Mean means average: The average of {3,8,4} is:
(3+8+4)/3 = 5
Mode means the most common: The mode of
{2, 3, 3, 8} is 3
Median is the one in the middle. The median of
{2,8,5,4,1} is 4
(crossing off the highest and lowest)
The range is the highest - the lowest. The range of
{2, 8, 5, 4, 1} is 8 - 1 = 7

Example ProblemAnswer
What is the probability of
a flipped coin turning up heads?
  because there is 1 head
  and the coin has 2 sides.
What is the probability of pulling the ace of spades out of a deck of 52 cards? because there is only 1 ace of spades and there are 52 cards.
What is the probability of drawing
any ace out of a deck of 52 cards?
  because there are 4 aces
in a deck of 52 cards.
What is the probability of drawing a red marble out of a bag containing 2 red marbles and 5 blue marbles?   because there are 2 red marbles and 7 marbles in all.