Garden Problem Scoring Guide

Scoring Level Characteristics
4 - (Outstanding) Thyme occupies 32 squares, parsley 36 squares, and sage 12 squares and response meets 5 out of 6 of these criteria:
  1. All response areas are filled out
  2. Figures are drawn and labelled as directed
  3. Problem statement is reasonable
  4. Number of valid garden configurations found is 3 or greater.
  5. Garden has esthetic appeal: balance, symetry, or innovative design.
  6. A sentence justifying the team selection is present and convincing.
3 - (Very good) Any response that fails at least 2 of the above "outstanding" criteria, but has no missing essential elements (restatement, investigation, conclusion)
2 - (Good) Any response below a "Very Good". This is a response that is missing one or more essential elements, or did not follow the instructions.