Spinner Problem Scoring Guide

Scoring Level Characteristics
4 - (Outstanding) Response meets 6 out of 7 of these criteria:
  1. All response areas are filled out
  2. Figures are drawn and labelled as directed
  3. Problem statement is reasonable
  4. Number of valid spinner configurations found is 3 or greater.
  5. One of the 8 valid spinners has been selected, or one of the repeated number geometries. (see below)
  6. All spinners examined are identified correctly as "fair" or "not fair". Assume a geometry that has no fairness label to be 'fair'.
  7. A sentence justifying the team selection is present and convincing.
For an "outstanding" rating, the team must write something innovative or insightful, such as ...
  • An explanation why their spinner is more "fun".
    (more numbers?)
  • Selection of one of the repeated number fair spinners
    (see below).
  • A recognition of the fact that there must be as many numbers below 4 as there are above it for a spinner to be 'fair'.
3 - (Very good) Any response that fails at least 2 of the above "outstanding" criteria, but has no missing essential elements (restatement, investigation, conclusion)
2 - (Good) Any response below a "Very Good". This is a response that is missing one or more essential elements, or did not follow the instructions.

The following are ALL of the fair spinners that do not use repeated numbers, and SOME of the repeated number 'fair' spinners.
Fair spinners
(all of them)
Repeated number
fair spinners
(Some of them)
0 - 4 - 80 - 0 - 4 - 8 - 9
0 - 4 - 90 - 0 - 8 - 9
0 - 80 - 0 - 8 - 8
0 - 92 - 2 - 6 - 6
2 - 4 - 62 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 6
2 - 60 - 4 - 4 - 8
0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 80 - 4 - 4 - 9
0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 90 - 4 - 4 - 8
Here is the rule for evaluating whether a spinner geometry is fair:
  • There must be as many numbers below 4 as above it.