4). First write an equation for each of these word problems. Then solve it.

a). Six times my number minus one is 29.
What is my number?

Equation: _________________________ x =______

b). A number increased by 7 is 16.
What is my number?

Equation: _________________________ x =______

c). Half of my number minus 16 is 9.
What is my number?

Equation: _________________________ x =______
d). If you take a third of my number and increase it by 6, you get 8.
What is my number?

Equation: _________________________ x =______

e). Sixteen minus half my number is 11.
What is my number?

Equation: _________________________ x =______

f). One hundred decreased by a fourth of my number is 75.
What is my number?

Equation: _________________________ x =______