5). (8 points) Find the mean, mode median and range of the lengths of words in the following paragraph. For the mean, round your answer to the nearest whole number. (taken from a Goosebumps book):

Write out the lengths of each word below:

(I'll get you started)

5 , 7 , 2 ,

Number of words = _____ Mean word length = ______

Mode = _______ word length range = _______ median word length = ______

6). (3 points) [Extra Credit]
Frank recorded the temperature at 7 am for each day from Monday thru Friday. The average was -2o. The temperatures for Monday thru Thursday were - 5, - 3, + 6, and - 2. What was the temperature on Friday?
(Hint: use guess-and-check)

Answer: ________

7). (3 points) [Extra Credit]
In 1962 Wilt Chamberlain scored a record 4029 points playing basketball for Philadelphia. He played in 80 games. To the nearest tenth, what was the average number of points he scored per game?

Answer: ________