Lesson Plan # 20 - Review

Note: today's lesson is long, so you may want to eliminate the mental math and the lesson review, since all this lesson is review.
  1. (5 min) Mental Math
    1. Start with 55, add 8, then divide by 7 [9]
    2. What is 60% of 80? [48]
    3. What is 50 times 200? [10,000]
    4. What is 8000 times 20? [160,000]
    5. What is 30% of 50? [15]

  2. (5 min) Review of homework #19 (<= 3 problems)

  3. (15 min) Review course concepts:

    1. Discuss area and perimeter. Have students find the area of these shapes (and the perimeter of the first):
      A = 402 cm2
      P = 98 cm
      A = 60 mi2
    2. Pass out the "Math Concepts Review" handout and discuss triangle types.
    3. Discuss angle rules using the handout. If you have time, use the following examples:
      ? = 57o ? = 40o ? = 125o
    4. Draw this number line on the board:
       -8  -7  -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
      Ask the students:
      What is - 5 + 8? [+ 3] What is - 4 - 3? [- 7] What is 5 - 8? [ - 3]
    5. Use the handout to discuss multiplying and dividing signed numbers. Use these examples:
      - 6 x - 5 = ? [ + 30] - 6 x + 5 = ? [ - 30] - ( - 5) = ? [ + 5] + ( - 5) = ? [ - 5]
    6. Discuss expression evaluation.
      Use these examples for a = 3, b = 2, c = 9:
      abc [= 54] bc/a [ = 6] b ( a - c) [ = -18]
    7. Discuss equation solution using these examples:
      3x - 5 = 22 [x = 9] x/8 = 8 [x = 64] x2 - 5 = 76 [x = 9]
    8. Discuss word phrases using the handout. If you have time, have them solve this problem:

      If I take three times my age and subtract 18 I get 21. How old am I? [13 years old]

    9. Discuss mean, mode median and range using only the examples in the handout.
    10. Discuss probability using the handout examples.

    11. Discuss the circumference and area of a circle using the handout.

      If time permits, have them find the area and perimeter of this half circle:
      [A = 38.465, P = 24.99 mi]
  4. (Remainder of class) In-class Exercise.

  5. Hand out homework as students successfully complete the in-class exercise.