2). Simplify these equations by combining like terms (X's with X's) and then find X:

a). X + X = 20

Simplify: ____________

X = _________

b). X + 2X = 36


X = _________

c). 3X + X = 16


X = _________

d). 4X - X - 5 = 10


X = _________

3). Find X in these geometry problems. X is either the length of a side or the measure of an angle.
First write down the equation, then simplify it, then solve it.
(I will write the first equation for you)

a). The perimeter is 18 feet.
How many X's are there around the whole

Equation: 2x + x + 2x + x = 18

Simplify it:_______________________

X =_____________

b). The perimeter is 40 inches.

Be careful!
Not all the sides
are labelled!


Simplify it:_______________________

X =_____________

c). Find angle X:

What do all the
angles of a triangle
add up to?


Simplify it: ______________________

X =_____________