Olympiad Review Answers

Handout answers
  1. (93 + 96 + N) / 3 = 90.
    189 + N = 270
    N = 270 - 189 = 81
  2. The long vertical side is 18 ft and the long horizontal side is 22 ft.
    Cut the figure into two rectangles,
    cutting horizontally, the two rectangles are
    22 x 7 = 154 sq. ft. and 11 x 10 = 110 sq. ft.
    154 sq. ft. + 110 sq. ft. = 264 sq. ft.
  3. D = 4
    A20 = 6 + 4(19) = 6 + 76 = 82

  4. Guess ## Chickens# PigsTotal
    There are 34 pigs.

  5. Ways to pick the first student is 4
    After picking that student, 3 are left
    After picking that student, 2 are left
    After that pick 1 is left
    Multiply these together to get the total number of ways to arrange the students =
    4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24

  6. 1. If Jason has 5 piles at the end and each pile contains 3 cards then those 5 piles contain 15 cards total.
    2. If those 5 piles were 1/4 of the cards in the previous step,then the 4 piles together contain 60 cards.
    3. Those 4 piles are 1/3 of the deck, so the whole deck contained 60 x 3 = 180 cards
  1. Using N for the number,
    1. Write the expression for
        "multiply my number by 12 and then add 2" = 12N + 2.
    2. Write the expression for "add 90 to my number" = 90 + N.
    3. Set these two expressions equal to each other and solve.
        12N + 2 = 90 + N
        11N = 88
        N = 8
  2. 1. Since the opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel, the third vertex and the 4th vertex are parallel to the first and second.
    2. The offset of the second vertex from the first is (5,2).
    3. Apply this offset to the third vertex to find the 4th =

Homework answers

  1. The sum of the 3 numbers is 3 x 21 = 63.
    The sum of the 2 remaining numbers is 2 x 27 = 54.
    Subtract these two to get the 3rd number = 63 - 54 = 9
  2. 1. Determine the length of the unlabeled horizontal side (bottom) by using the 3 horizontal measurements given.
        Length = 8 1/4 + 5 3/4 - 10 = 4 ft.
    2. Determine the length of the unlabeled vertical side by using the 3 vertical side measurements (you need all 3).
        Length = 4 + 5 1/2 - 6 = 3 1/2 ft.
    Area 1: 8 1/4 X 4 = 33
    Area 2: 14 x (6 - 4) = 28
    Area 3: 3 1/2 x 4 = 14
    Total area = 33 + 28 + 14 = 75 sq. ft.
  3. D = 3
    a7 = 1 + 3(6) = 19
  4. There are 16 horses and 20 riders
  5. Number of ways = 3 x 2 x 1 = 6
  6. If the second person ate half the remaining pieces and 6 were left, then there were 12 pieces before he ate his half.
    If the first person ate 1/4th of the bar, then that person left 3/4 of the bar, which is 12 pieces. That fraction of the bar is what the second person got. So 3/4 of the total is 12 pieces, so the total is 16 pieces.
  1. Use T for Trina and M for Mom.
    1. Write the expression for "2 times the difference in our ages" =
        2 (M - T)
    2. Write the expression for "the sum of our ages +14" =
        M + T + 14
    3. Set these two expressions equal to each other and solve =
        2 (M - T) = M + T + 14
        2M - 2T = M + T + 14
        M = 3T + 14
        M = 3 X 10 + 14
        M = 30 + 14 = 44
  2. 1. Plot the 3 points on the provided graph.
    2. Find the offset from the 2nd point (7,1) to the 3rd point (9,7).
    Offset = (9-7,7-1) = (+2,+6).
    3. Add this offset to the 1st point (1,3) to get the 4th point = (1+2,3+6) = (+3,+9)