Guess and Check Lesson Plan

This is a free week lesson plan that may be substituted for any free week plan after the 17th week. It can also be substituted for any free week in Year #2. There is no mental math or homework. Everything will be done in class. The students will work alone to solve these problems.
  1. (10 minutes) Pass out the Guess and Check handout and follow the discussion there, including the example. Draw the sample on the board and ask for help with successive guesses.
  2. (15 minutes) After this discussion and the example, pass out the first in-class exercise and give them 15 minutes to solve the three problems in it. Go around and make sure all students are making progress. Help those who are 'stuck' or going the wrong way.
  3. (5 minutes) Have a student go to the board and solve one of the problems in this exercise. Before class, draw a table on the board with the appropriate number of columns, but don't put the labels on the columns!
  4. (15 minutes) Pass out the second in-class exercise after the board discussion of the first exercise.
  5. (5 minutes) Have a student (not the same student) go to the board and solve one of the problems in this exercise. This time, have the student make their own table on the board and label it.
  6. (As time permits) Have another student go to the board to solve another problem of the second in-class exercise.
  7. No homework this week!