6). The area of a square is 64 square feet.
How long is its side?

Equation: ___________________


7). The length of a rectangle
is equal to three times its width.
The area is 48 square feet.
What are the dimensions?

Equation: ___________________


8). Here are Alicia's 6 test scores:
88 90 80 89 91 98
For her to get an "A"
(average 90 or above)
what should she score on a 7th test?

Equation: _______________________

Answer: _______

9). In Mr. Zeda’s class all the quizzes are 10 points.
Julio current list of scores is 8, 9, 9, 8, 6.
He took a 6th test but he can't remember his score,
however, his average was 8 after that last quiz.
What was the score he forgot?

Equation: ____________________________

Answer: ______

10). Here are Alicia's 7 test scores:
88 90 85 89 91 92 88
For her to get an "A"
(average 90 or above)
what should she score on a 8th test?

Equation: _____________________________

Answer: _________
11). In Mr. Zeda’s class all the quizzes are 10 points.
Julio current list of scores is 8, 4, 9, 8, 6.
He takes the next one and his average jumps a whole point!
What did he score?

Equation: ______________________________

Answer: ________