

Decimals are numbers that contain a decimal point, like:
1.5 2.8 .2 3.14 66.66
The number to the left of the decimal point is an integer (positive or negative whole number or zero).
The number to the right of the decimal is called the "tenths" digit and tells you the number of tenths (1/10's) that are added to the whole number to the left of the decimal point. So...

1.5 is the same
as the mixed number
2.8 is .2 is

If there are 2 numbers to the right of the decimal point then both numbers to the right of the decimal point are the number of "hundredths" (1/100's) to be added to the whole number, so.....

3.14 is the same as the mixed number   66.66 is the same
as the mixed number

Convert these decimals to mixed numbers:

1) 1.6 =

2) 2.9 =

3) 14.4 =

4) 16.17 = 5) 22.88 = 6) This problem is hard!
1.04 =

Convert these mixed numbers to decimals:
7) 8) 9)

10) 11) 12) This problem is hard!