Name: _______________________________ Parent:______________________ Points: ________


Here's how you divide one decimal by another: Suppose you want to divide 4.5 by 1.8
First, you write your problem as you normally would:
Next, you move the decimals in both the numbers to the right the same number of times until the divisor is a whole number.
The decimal point in your answer will be lined up with the one in the number you are dividing into. Now, you do your division:
Next, if you have a remainder, bring down a zero from the number being divided and continue:
Check your answer for reasonableness by ignoring the part past the decimal and dividing in your head! For example, in this last problem 45/18 is about 2 so the answer should be near 2.

Divide these decimals: (These problems are all hard but don't use your calculator!)


4) 5) 6)  

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