Make sure you include proper units in your answer!

  1. A school library held a book sale. On the first day, 50 of the books were sold. On the second day, 1/2 of the remaining books were sold. After that there were 200 books left. How many books were there at the beginning of the sale?
  2. _____________

  3. Find the measure of the smallest angle in this triangle:

  4. _____________

  5. What is the 50th term of this series:
  6. 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 ... ?


  7. Andrea, Matt and Jorge each have a collection of pogs. Andrea has 25 more pogs than Jorge, and Matt has 2 times as many pogs as Jorge. All together they have 241 pogs. How many pogs does Jorge have?
  8. _____________

  9. A restaurant has tables for 4 and tables for 6. If there area a total of 22 tables and 100 chairs, how many tables for 4 are there?
