Hands-on math!

Washington State Math Olympiad

Occasionally a problem in the WSMC Olympiad Problem sets has an error. Corrections are listed here.
YearGradeSubjectProblem #Problem
20105Algebra5 Answer for problem as stated is 1.
20095Prob & Stat1Answer is incorrect. Probability of a product of two dice being even is 3/4, not 1/2. Probability of a sum of 2 dice being even is 1/2. Combined probability is 1/2 X 3/4 = 3/8
20135Algebra2Answer is incorrect. Given answer is 7:51 am. Correct answer is 7:45 am.
20155Probability and Statistics1The statement:
1) Your parents give you $1.25 for doing one chore and they double that amount for every additional chore. If you earn $78.75, how many chores did you do?
The given answer ($78.75) assumes that the parents double the amount for each successive chore. They only double the amount for the first chore and all successive chores earn this second amount. The given answer assumes the problem wanted the doubling for the amount for every chore instead of that amount. But think about it. If the parents doubled the amount for each successive chore, that 6th chore would earn you $40! Fairly unreasonable!
The amount earned must be $8.75 instead of $78.75. I have made this correction in my version.
& Statistics
4Answer is incorrect.
A factor of 90 is chosen at random. What is the probability that the chosen factor has both 3 and 5 as factors? (Express your answer as a fraction in lowest terms)

The given answer is 1/3, however 90 has 10 factors(other than 1 and 90):
45 30 18 15 10 9 6 5 3 2
and 3 of them have factors of both 3 and 5 (45,30 and 15), giving a probability of 3/10.
The given answer assumes there were only 9 factors of 90. They missed one.
20175MeasurementAll A test is missing. Ratios and Proportions, formerly called Measurements is not included even though the answers are given.
20096Measurement5 Problem:
5) Aleisha is exercising her business talents as the go to classmate to get things from. She trades:
  5 bags of chips = 2 candy bar
  2 bags of chips = 3 tattoo stickers
  5 tattoo stickers = 12 brand new pencils
  8 brand new pencils = 3 gel pens
If she's successful at trading, how many gel pens can she get for 4 candy bars?

Answer is incorrect. Given answer is 12 gel pens but the answer to the problem as stated is 13.5 gel pens.
Rather than just correct the answer to 13.5 gel pens (you can't trade half a gel pen!) we have changed the problem such that:
  9 brand new pencils = 3 gel pens
This makes the answer 12. The "8" was probably just a typo.
20126Algebra2 Problem:
2) Gerald buys apples and broccoli for his restaurant in whole numbers of pounds. Apples cost $2.33 per pound and broccoli cost $2.10 per pound. Gerald pays with 2 twenty dollar bills. If he gets $8.04 back, how many pounds of broccoli did he get?
Answer is incorrect. Given answer is 3 pounds of broccoli, but the correct answer is 13 pounds of broccoli and 2 pounds of apples.
This is a truly ugly problem. Rather than just correct the answer, we chose to rewrite the problem to make it more comprehensible to a 6th grader and less subject to random guessing:
2) Gerald buys apples and broccoli for his restaurant in whole numbers of pounds. Apples cost $2.33 per pound and broccoli cost $2.10 per pound. Gerald pays with a twenty dollar bill. If he gets $2.05 back and the difference between the number of pounds of broccoli and apples is less than 3, how many pounds of broccoli did he get?
The answer to this new problem is 3 pounds of broccoli
20157Prob & Stat2Problem statement:
A set of five 2-digit whole numbers has a mean of 16, a mode of 13, and a median greater than the mean. What is the largest possible value of the sum of the set?
The answer given (19) is clearly not the sum of the set, which is 16x5 = 80. The answer given is apparently the largest possible number of the set (19). I have changed the wording of the problem to reflect this.
20138Measurement5Problem statement:
5) On April 2, 2013 Mrs Green planted two different bushes three feet apart, stem to stem. They both have a diameter of 1 foot. The diameter of the first bush grows at a rate of 6 inches per year. The diameter of the second bush grows at a rate of 4 inches per year. Assume the growth rates are constant throughout the year. In what year and month will the two bushes touch and begin to form a hedge? (Draw a picture and label the diameters.)

The answer given, January, 2017, is incorrect. The correct answer is January, 2018.
and 7
Algebra1 (8) and
Problem statement:
1) A batch of brownies uses 3 eggs and weighs 25 oz. A cake takes 4 eggs and weighs 35 oz. If Wanda has 22 eggs and enough of all the other ingredients how many batches of brownies and how many cakes should she make so that the total weight of baked goods is as large as possible?

Note: This is also 2009 7th grade algebra, problem 3

The answer given, 2 batches of brownies and 3 cakes is incorrect. The correct answer is 2 batches of brownies and 4 cakes