Hands-on math!

Washington State Math Olympiad
Hints and Solutions
2015 Grade 6 Probability & Statistics

1) The largest number in a set of five integers is 92. The range of the set is 57 and the median is 80. What is the smallest possible value of the mean of the set? 1. If the largest number is 92 and the range is 57, then the lowest number is _____
2. For 80 to be the mean, there must be one number lower than it and one higher or equal.
3. Find the lowest number for the number lower than 80 =____
4. Find the lowest number that lets 80 remain the median = ____
5. The mean is _____
2) You are playing a lottery game. A number is pulled at random from a box containing the numbers 1 to 1000, both inclusive. You win if a number containing exactly two 5s is drawn. What is your probability of winning?
(Express as a percentage)
1. There are 3 types of numbers that you can win with:
    1. Numbers that start with 5 and end with 5: (5X5) = ____
    2. Numbers whose first 2 digits are 5: (55X) = ____
    3. Numbers whose second and 3rd digits are 5
      and do not start with a 5. = ___ (X55)
2. Count these up and add = _____ numbers
3. Divide by 1000 = ____%
3) After six math tests, Julian's average was 82. After the final exam, which was worth two tests, his average rose to 85. What was Julian's grade on the final exam? Let S6 = the sum of the first 6 tests = _____
Let F = the score of the final exam.
1. Then (S6 + 2F)/8 = 85.
2. Solve this for F = _____

4) Two six-sided dice are rolled and the resulting numbers are added together. What is the probability that the sum of the two dice will be greater than 5?
(Express your answer as a fraction in lowest terms)
Here is a partially filled out table of the sum of 2 dice.
Complete this table.
The probability of a sum greater than 5 is _____
5) Roxanne is ordering a pizza. She can choose from 3 sizes, 3 types of crust, 4 blends of sauce, and 6 toppings. How many pizza combinations are possible if she orders a pizza with 2 toppings? First, remember that these are combinations where
    the order of selecting toppings doesn't count.

1. How many ways can she choose a size = ___
2. How many ways can she choose a crust = ___
3. How many ways can she choose a sauce = ___
4. How many ways can she choose that first topping? ____
5. After she chooses that first topping, how many ways can she choose the second topping? = ___
6. Total choices of toppings = ____
7. Since order of toppings doesn't count, take half of the topping choices = _____
8. Multiply these together = _____